Telecom SudParis, part of IMT
IMT: the leading group of engineering and management schools in France
Institut Mines-Telecom (IMT) is composed of eight engineering and management graduate schools and two subsidiaries. The group’s strength lies in the complementary nature and cohesion of its schools based on their shared vision:
- training at the service of companies;
- developing the economy and local territories;
- contributing to innovation and entrepreneurship.
These activities are implemented in fields relating to the major digital, energy, industry, and educational transitions.
Telecom SudParis, a member of IMT
- 8 public graduate schools under the aegis of the Minister for the Economy and Industry
- 12,600 students, a figure that rivals those of top American universities such as MIT or Stanford.
- 4,230 degrees awarded. 90 % of graduates start on a permanent contract directly
- A network of 60,000 former students in all economic sectors.
- 2,080 rank A research publications contributing to scientific and technological advances. They guarantee teaching at the forefront of each domain.
- 9,070 partnerships with corporate ecosystems at local and national levels thanks to IMT’s territorial network.
The Institut Mines-Telecom schools
- Telecom Paris
- Telecom SudParis
- Mines Saint-Etienne
- IMT Atlantique
- IMT Lille-Douai
- IMT Mines Alès
- IMT Mines Albi
- Institut Mines-Telecom Business School
Business-oriented research
The partnership research carried out by Institut Mines-Telecom’s schools is business-oriented and feeds into the economy directly. It is recognized by two Carnot labels (Carnot M.I.N.E.S and Carnot Télécom & Société Numérique), awarded in 2006.
Excellence in training and innovative teaching methods
- A choice of 8 graduate schools in the 3rd year of training. Engineering or management students from Institut Mines-Telecom’s schools can spend six months studying in another of the group’s schools to further their knowledge in a subject not offered on their own campus.
- Institut Mines-Télécom schools are leaders in work-study programs in France For more than 25 years, IMT’s schools have been developing and promoting apprenticeships in higher education in management and engineering science and train 10% of French engineers each year in this way. For more information on work-study programs, click here.
Innovation and entrepreneurship are in the schools’ DNA
Created by the public authorities to support industrial and economic growth in France in the 18th century, IMT’s graduate schools promote entrepreneurship and the incubation of technological projects: nearly 100 start-ups are supported in the schools’ incubators each year.
The schools implement a wide range of tools to educate and train students in innovation and entrepreneurship.
The students benefit from numerous partnerships established with local and national innovation structures.
In addition to creating businesses, the aim of these systems is to train engineers and managers who have a keen sense of value creation and innovation in order to provide companies with the creativity they need.
Telecom SudParis, a member of IMT
Educational transition: a cooperative approach to transforming teaching models
Institut Mines-Télécom schools are a key driving force in the creation of French- and English-speaking massive online open training courses (MOOC) in the fields of telecoms, digital technology, and engineering science.
By combining their expertise and know-how in innovative teaching methods, IMT’s schools offer a wide range of courses that represent their teaching programs.
Responding to the major transformations of the 21st century
The diverse range of expertise and the complementary nature of Institut Mines-Telecom’s schools allow Telecom SudParis to work within a group dynamic to systematically respond to the challenges of the major transformations of the 21st century in:
- digital technology
- industry,
- energy,
- education.
Through its expertise, the school contributes to the work of Institut Mines-Télécom to address the challenges of smart cities, health and personal independence, and the industry of the future.
Making France a leader in the new global industrial generation
IMT is a founding member of the Alliance for the Industry of the Future, which brings together professional federations, research organizations, and higher education institutions. It aims to make France a leader in the new global industrial generation. Besides, IMT jointly founded the Franco-German Academy for the Industry of the Future with Technische Universität München.
IMT contributes to the international influence of its schools
A global player with an international outlook, IMT’s schools attract students from all over the world (33% of students enrolled on Master’s and Ph.D. courses are foreigners) and send their students to foreign universities with which IMT has established exchange agreements and dual degrees to complement the bilateral agreements already in place between the schools.