Mc2i Groupe and Recommerce Group sponsor promotions 2019/2022


    Mc2i Groupe and Recommerce Group sponsor promotions 2019/2022     HomeCorporate relations Mc2i Groupe and Recommerce Group sponsor promotions 2019/2022 On September 3 2019 PRESS RELEASE – 3 September 2019   The two “Grandes Ecoles” Institut Mines Telecom Business School (IMT-BS) and Telecom SudParis sign this Tuesday, September 3, with mc2i Group, independent …

Soft-Landing in Paris, getting to know La French Tech

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Discover the French startup ecosystem In May, IMT starter, the Soft-Landing French partner, welcomed in Paris a delegation of startups, scaleups and ecosystem builders with the goal to discover the French startup ecosystem during a one week Mission. During the Mission, participants experienced the French entrepreneurial environment, and had the opportunity to connect with investors and funding organizations, …

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