Become a computer science and network engineer through apprenticeship
Engineering degree with a specialization in computer science and networks
This program is only offered in french
The winning combination: studies + work experience
Do you want to become a computer science and network engineer? Why not opt for an apprenticeship?
- The perfect format to acquire new knowledge and develop skills in a professional environment
- 2 days in-company / 3 days at school
- A salary of up to €2,000/month in the third yeart
Marinet shares her work-study experiences (fr)
Augustin talks about his apprenticeship
Telecom SudParis offers an apprenticeship-based engineering course leading to an engineering degree with a specialization in computer science and networks awarded by Telecom SudParis of Institut Mines-Telecom.
Accredited by the CTI (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur), this course is offered in collaboration with the CFA-EVE (Centre de Formation en Apprentissage de l’Enseignement Supérieur en Région Île de France - fr).
Teaching objectives
The skills acquired by graduates of this course are twofold:
- general set of skills required to work as an engineer;
- skills specific to the computer science and networks specialization, especially for next-generation computer science and networks. Deploying these networks across the country represents one of the major industrial challenges for France and for companies to remain competitive.
Course overview
Next-generation networks are characterized by the convergence of information technology, computer science and networks. Some of the themes covered in the curriculum include network services and infrastructure, the convergence of voice/data/images/mobility, fiber optics, security and service quality.
This program may change at the request of the course administrators.
- Sciences and techniques for the specialization (SPE)
- Company culture and openness (CEO)
- Basic and engineering sciences (SCI)
Duration: 1,800 hours at school across 3 years.
Work/study: 2 days in-company and 3 days at school.
International: 8-week exchange during the company period.
Nadine HABIS (University Technology Diploma, R&T), 3RD YEAR - TF1
By studying at Telecom SudParis, I knew that I would have access to a large network of partners. Also, the fact that Telecom SudParis is an IMT engineering graduate school increases the recognition of our qualifications as engineers in the computer science and network field.
Applicant profiles
Admissions to the Telecom SudParis apprenticeship-based computer science and network engineering course are by a competitive exam. It is possible to apply in the 1st or 2nd year.
In 1st year
Holders of one of the following diplomas can apply for admission, i.e. in the last year of:
- University bachelor’s of technology (BUT*)
- 3rd-year of bachelor’s degree*
- Bachelor’s degree*
- Multidisciplinary higher education diploma (CPES)
- RNCP certification level VI*
Admission is also possible for candidates from:
- “Adaptation Technicien Supérieur” preparatory classes
- “Mathématiques Supérieures” preparatory classes in Maths/Physics, Maths/Physics/IT, Physics/Chemistry, Physics/Engineering, Physics/Technology and Technology/Engineering
- 2nd year of preparatory cycle at an engineering school
- Preparatory cycle at an engineering school*
- 1st year of an engineering course at an Institut Mines-Telecom school
*with a major or specific curriculum in line with apprenticeship-based engineering course (FISA) content
→ Regulations for 1st-year admissions based on qualifications
In 2nd year
Candidates enrolled in the first year of a Master's degree (M1) whose specific field or course of study is in line with the content of the course, or holders of an RNCP certificate deemed equivalent by the jury, or 1st year of a validated engineering cycle at a Grande Ecole whose specific course of study is in line with the content of the FISA.
→ Check the regulations for the exam for 2nd-year admission
Candidate selection
- Pre-selection based on the candidate’s application file
- Individual interview and English test
Employers: offer a placement
Would you like to recruit an apprentice? Offer a placement?
Contact Cecile Delafont
Dean coordinator of Engineer program Major Computer science and Networks
Mail: @Cecile.Delafont
Phone: +33 (0)1 60 76 47 88

Myriam MOUKHLIS (University Technology Diploma, R&T) - 3RD YEAR- CCI
I wanted to work with new technologies and specifically networks. I chose this course because of the school’s reputation and its comprehensive curriculum. Now, I am doing my apprenticeship at CCI de Paris as a Network and Security Engineer. Every day, I work in a variety of areas: security, support, telephony.