Distributed Computing Services

ASR advanced course Engineering degree - Master’s level

This specialization track is offered in English, and is therefore available to foreign students studying at Telecom SudParis.

Subashiny TanigassalameSubashiny TANIGASSALAME, Class of 2018 

“I took the ASR advanced course focusing on computer programming. This course introduced me to several technologies and different programming languages and methods.

Many of the ASR modules take the form of projects, which allows you to put your knowledge into practice and also to deal with project-related problems.”



  • Operating Systems
  • Algorithms and Communication for Distributed Applications
  • High Performance Systems
  • Middleware for Distributed Applications
  • Semantic Web and Big Data Processing
  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • Advanced Project


  • Web and Mobile Developer, Orange Labs
  • Data mining on a flight booking engine, Amadeus
  • Performance improvements of the co-simulation of complex systems such as Smart Grids, EDF
  • Redesigning the web application for the management of Red Cross volunteers, Klee group
  • Development of a platform for the Internet of Things, CardiWeb
  • High performance system for the predictive maintenance of a fleet of aircrafts, TriaGnoSys-Germany


  • API for home automation control applications, development of a demonstrator for the Hadaptic platform at Telecom SudParis
  • Diffusion algorithm and geo-replicated data centers in the Cloud
  • Parallelization of a bacterial cell model, in collaboration with INRA
  • Distributed file systems above Cassandra
  • Large multi-core hypervisor, in collaboration with ENSEEIHT


François TRAHAY
IT Department - INF
Email: francois.trahay
Site web : @ASR

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