Experience the Fête de la science with Telecom SudParis and Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Télécom SudParis

Telecom SudParis will be celebrating the Fête de la Science on October 12, 2023 on its Evry campus, as well as on October 13 and 14 on the Institut Polytechnique de Paris campus. The program includes workshops, conferences, stands and tours for schoolchildren and the general public.

Specifically, you'll be able to attend and take part in workshops led by our teacher-researchers, experiments, puzzles to solve, machines to test, robots to program, videos and digital games to explore...

Every year since 1991, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has been giving everyone the chance to discover the world of science and meet the men and women who make today's science possible.

On Evry campus:

On Saturday, October 12, 2023, from 2 to 6 pm, our campus will open its doors to 140 schoolchildren who will take part in workshops organized in our Centre Etoile.

  • Workshop 1: presentation of a French Robotics Cup robot
  • Workshop 2: presentation of a hydrogen generator and current hydrogen issues
  • Workshop 3: visit to the ETOILE FabLab, shared by Telecom SudParis, IMT-BS and ENSIIE.

On the Institut Polytechnique de Paris campus

On October 13 and 14, 2023, in the main hall of École Polytechnique, a Science Village will welcome visitors to 15 stands, manned by researchers from the 32 IP Paris laboratories. In the heart of the Rugby World Cup, and with the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games coming up in 2024, you'll be able to discover how science helps us understand the phenomena that occur on sports fields.

Many other themes will also be explored: climate and energy, digital, particle physics, optics, biology, mathematics, chemistry and mechanics.


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