Welcome day masters and PhD track IP Paris

Télécom SudParis

At the beginning of each year, a day is proposed to newly arrived masters and PhD track students on our Palaiseau campus.

This day, which is included in the agendas of each field of study, is organized around a number of key events: a lecture hall at the beginning of the academic year where the main speakers will be present, and a conference for international students on the administrative procedures to be undertaken to study in France. The French health system will also be explained. A meal will be offered to registered students. All you have to do is find a place for your lunch break: by the lake, in the center of the campus near the Bôbar or on the sports fields.

A campus challenge that will allow you to discover our Palaiseau campus as a group through activities proposed by the student associations.

The IP Paris team has a few surprises in store for you during the day, so reserve your Thursday, September 28, 2023 now!





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