Research serving innovation and economic development

Télécom SudParis

Our research strategy draws on the expertise of faculty members who produce high-quality, relevant research.

Our mission: respond to the challenges of the future while supporting the digital transformation of society, the economy, and companies, through ambitious scientific projects.

Telecom SudParis faculty members undertake high-level research, responding to major challenges in contemporary society. In close connection with industrial stakeholders, research is mainly performed at the school’s SAMOVAR laboratory.

Faculty members contribute to four interdisciplinary centers at Institut Polytechnique de Paris: Hi!Paris for artificial intelligence (fr), Energy 4 Climate for environmental aspects of digital technology, the Interdisciplinary Center for Defense and Security (fr), Engineering for Health Interdisciplinary Center (E4H) and SPIRAL - Interdisciplinary Center Science, People, Imagination, Research, Art, all Linked (SPIRAL).



faculty members


PhD students


patents in our portfolio

5 M€

revenue from research contracts

5 key areas

Fields of scientific research at the SAMOVAR laboratory:

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Networks
  • Physics and Communications Technologies
  • Signals and Image

Major challenges

Research is undertaken for sectors leading the digital transformation:

  • Digital industry/industry of the future
  • Health and assisted living for individuals
  • Energy/energy transition/smart grids
  • Digital cities/smart mobility
  • Artificial intelligence

Strategic themes

Our researchers respond to national and international calls for projects and address a broad range of multidisciplinary issues though areas of excellence:

  • New distributed and virtual architectures for systems and networks (cloud, fog, software defined networking, containers, edge computing, Internet of Things, middleware)
  • Data processing methods and tools (artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, semantic web, onthologies)
  • Network models (optimization, energy efficiency, complexity, deployment, management)
  • Methods and tools for signal processing and digital communications (high-speed broadband, optics, filtering, smoothing, classification, indoor positioning systems)
  • Methods and tools for image and multimedia data processing (3D modeling, multi-modal and multi-sensor imaging)
  • Digital trust (cybersecurity and personal data protection, specifications, proof and tests)
  • Optics and photonics (new components for networks)
  • Fields of application: communication networks and systems of the future, Internet of Things, digital health, the environment, industry of the future, smart cities, intelligent transportation systems, smart grids.


Have a question?


  • Research and Doctoral Training Department
  • Innovation and Corporate Relations Department
  • IMT Starter Incubator
  • Director of the SAMOVAR Laboratory


Contact us here

© Télécom SudParis – Siret : 180 092 025 00055 – APE : 8542Z